Avatar: Old Photo of Gary's Face   Gary Allen Vollink

Welcome.  This site runs on Linux, Nginx and Docker.  I use Windows, Linux and macOS regularly.  I hand edit this site with Vim

External Links

Computers and Me (a multi-part series)

The Excitement Begins


Color Mixer

Technically, this is one of my Perl projects.  The color mixer (with color names) is the tool that gets the most traffic on my site. 


Playlister allows a scriptable export of m3u playlists from an 'iTunes Music Library.xml' file.


I've done a lot with Perl, and I have a few notable things here...

Articles and Opinions


I put a little time into setting up alternate stylesheets.  The "Light|Dark" graphics below also appears at the top of other pages.  You may choose the style you prefer.  If your web-browser supports "Dark mode", this should have chosen the correct mode for you from that preference.  This feature tries to keep your selected choice by storing a JavaScript generated cookie.  if your web browser doesn't accept cookies, or purposely deletes cookies, a choice won't "stick". 

CSS Style Choice Dark Text on Light Background
CSS Style Choice Light Text on Dark Background