I recently thought I had an actual reason to use GD.pm, turns out I didn't, but while I was messing with it... I created this app that creates a PNG graphic Progress Bar on the fly.
In it's least interesting form, it creates a 200x20 graphic (within an HTML with JavaScript wrappings) that "onClick" increments. As the HTML wrapping suggests, this was for testing purposes.
More fun is the ability to create almost any size with any percentage by request. For example:
The image from "/cgi-bin/percent.cgi/90x200/33":
Of course, JavaScript can change the image... Go ahead, play.
FROM perl:latest MAINTAINER Gary Allen Vollink g.perl@vollink.com RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y libplack-perl libgd-perl starman WORKDIR /percent COPY percent.psgi cgi-bin/percent.psgi EXPOSE 80 CMD starman --port 80 --max_servers 32 cgi-bin/percent.psgi
#!/usr/bin/env bash FN=`date +"percent-run.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.log"` docker run --name percent \ --interactive --tty \ --detach \ -p 8083:80 \ --restart always \ gvollink/percent > "/Groups/DockerBackup/${FN}" if [ 125 -eq $? ] then echo Image not found error: listing all... docker images fi
location /cgi-bin/percent.cgi { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_pass http://localhost:8083; }
You can view and download the code: percent.psgi.pl.