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[M] Gary
30 October 2019

Compiling Playlister


This assumes that you have a C compiler and the make command installed.

For each system there are a base number of things that are needed for compiling to work.  This does not cover those things.  Do not attempt this unless comfortable in a command-line environment. 

If uthash is not present, the Makefile will suggest the git command to go get it.  Run that command directly in the playlister distribution folder. 

If libxml2 does not exist on a system, this error would occur:

reader1.c:9:30: fatal error: libxml/xmlreader.h: No such file or directory
 #include <libxml/xmlreader.h>


I find autoconf to be way too big and unweildy.  There are a few things that I found are useful (but not needed) to change when compiling for MacOS or Ubuntu, that aren't available on Raspbian.  The default setup should work on Raspbian just fine.

The uthash.h and utarray.h files from the UTHash package need to be copied or symlinked into the directory where main.c exists.