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[M] Gary
10 December 2019
Updated: 20 June 2022

iTunes itl Format


itl File Format
Envelope Header
Crypt Size
Encrypted AND zlib Compressed Payload
Inner Library Sections
msdh Section Boundary
mfdh Outer Envelope (partial copy)
mhgh Library Info
mlah Album/Collection (miah) Master
miah Album/Collection Item
mlih Artist (miih) Master
miih Artist Item
mlth Track Item (mith) Master
mith Track Item
mlqh ????
miqh ????
stsh ????
mlph Playlists Master
miph Playlist
mtph Playlist Member
mlsh ????
msph ????
mlrh ????
mprh ????
mhoh Data Container (common)
mhoh Flex Data Flex Character Container
mhoh Char Data Narrow Character Container
mhoh Video Resolution Data Resolution (and?)
mhoh book Data — Various Strings
mhoh Unknown Data Containers of Unknown Data
Want To Help?
Corrupt Library?


Apple iTunes has long been able to automatically generate an XML version of the iTunes library every time it changes, and I built Playlister around this feature.  However, iTunes has been discontinued on macOS in favor of Apple Music.

At the end of 2019, I started working on figuring out the binary format of the Apple Music library files, but in doing so, I started with existing work on the iTunes library format so that I would be able to compare and contrast the differences. 

None of the other projects have the offsets laid down in a way that I find useful, so I decided to write this page as a companion to the Apple Music library page that I worked on for a few years.

itl File Format

The first four bytes of the file are hdfm. One thing to immediately note is that the itl format's outer envelope is arranged with big endian integer storage (Apple's G4 line and older processors used this encoding).  A near copy of this section, internal to the encrypted and compressed portion of this file is mfdh, (hdfm, backward) in which the repeated numeric values are in little endian format.  All of the internal sections I've seen have little endian format storage (Intel and AMD x86 processors store numbers this way natively). 

I suspect that iTunes itl files that were created and maintained on Apple computers that were made before Apple's switch to Intel processors (Apple G4 and older), were probably entirely stored in big endian byte order.  Evidence suggests that on any big endian formatted section, the section header name will be backwards, as it is for the envelope section noted above. 

It would make sense that any implementation that is meant to read these files would check each section header for endian-ness to have the greatest possible compatability. 

I have been doing this testing on two iTunes library files.  One that was created in iTunes on macOS Mojave (and subsequently imported into Apple Music after upgrade), and one that was created in iTunes on Windows. 

The sections listed in the Table of Contents above are in the approximate order of the first appearance of each of those file sections (or problems to solve) in the iTunes Music Library.itl file.  These headers are also listed in little Endian (x86) order, as that is the most common.

This may never be complete.  One thing to keep in mind is that, besides Music, iTunes includes Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts and Audiobooks.  I have never Purchased a Movie from the iTunes Store.  I only have one Podcast loaded into iTunes.  I have never put any Audiobook into iTunes.  So any specific data related to those things, I'm unlikely to find. 

Envelope Header

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 File signature 68 64 66 6D |hdfm|
(4)4 Envelope length in bytes 00 00 00 90 (144)
(8)4 File length in bytes 00 28 02 E9 (2622185)
(12)4 Unknown 00 3F 00 01
(16)1 Length of Version String at (17) 00 3F 00 01
(17)max 31 Version of iTunes\0
(48)8 How many msdh sections? 00 00 00 0F (15)
(52)8 Library Persistent ID, 64bit Value 3888862EEF15AA20
(60)4 Unknown 00 00 00 6F
...4 ... ...
(88)4 Unknown 00 00 00 64
(92)4 Max Crypt Size (See crypt size formula) 00 01 90 00 (102400)
(96)4 Unknown 00 00 00 00
(100)4 TZ Offset FF FF C7 C0 (-14400 seconds)/GMT-0400/"US Eastern"
(104)4 Unknown 00 00 00 00
(112)4 Library Date * DA 1C F1 09 (3659329801) *2019-12-16T08:30:01Z
...4 ... ...

* Dates are expressed in Seconds since 1-Jan-1904 Midnight & should be converted with the TZ Offset.

Crypt Size

If Max Crypt Size is smaller than the File size, use the Max Crypt Size directly.

Crypt Size = File Size - Envelope Length - ((File Size - Envelope Length) mod 16)

Encrypted AND zlib Compressed Payload

Starting with the byte offset (Envelope length in Bytes), the Crypt Size of the file needs to be decrypted using the standard AES128-ECB algorythm.  OpenSSL and macOS built-in libraries can do this in C/C++.  In Perl, use Crypt::Cypher.  A key is necessary to successfully unencrypt this. 

Once unencrypted, the payload must be expanded/inflated via zlib, including the rest of the file (if any) larger than the initial Max Crypt Size.

Inner Library Sections

Almost all* sections follow this beginning pattern, with differences following these first 8 bytes.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature xxxx
(4)4 Next Section Offset 38 00 (56)

These section headers follow the base pattern as described above:
msdh, mfdh, mhgh, mlah, miah, mlih, miih, mlth, mith, mlqh, miqh, stsh, mlph, miph, mtph, mlsh, msph, mlrh, mprh.

*NOTE: mhoh sections do not follow this pattern.

Back to Table of Contents.

msdh Section Boundary

This section appears multiple times through a library.

Observed msdh SubTypes (contains):

Occurs multiple times.  Marks transitions between major sections of the file. 

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 73 64 68 |msdh|
(4)4 Section Length 60 00 00 00 (96)
(8)4 Associated Data Length F0 00 00 00 (240)
(12)4 Section SubType 10 00 00 00 (16)
...4 Zeroes 00 00 00 00 (0)

NOTES: msdh SubType 3 ends at a section of just binary data.  This data has no self-identified length.
msdh SubType 0x0013 (19) ends at an XML block with no self-identified length.
msdh SubType 4 ends at an escaped URI string with no self-identified length.
These sections can only be parsed using the Associated Data Length which is an offset which points to the beginning of the next msdh section, from the begging of its containing msdh section.

In general, when parsing, if an msdh section is either marked with an unknown SubSection or followed by an otherwise unregistered signature, it would be best to use the Associated Data Length to skip the associated data (possibly registering a warning, or telemetry for a bug report).

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mfdh Outer Envelope (partial copy)

This section appears once as the File Envelope, and once as the second section within the encrypted and compressed section of the file.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 66 64 68 |mfdh|
(4)4 Section Length 90 00 00 00 (144)
(8)4 Uncompressed File Length (includes envelope) 92 F3 00 01 (16839570)
(12)4 Unknown ...
(16)1 Length of Version at (17) 09 (9)
(17)max 31 iTunes Version (NULL terminated)\0
(48)4 msdh Count 0F 00 00 00 (15)
(52)8 Library Persistent ID 3888862EEF15AA20
...4 Unknown ...
(92)4 Max Crypt Size 00 01 90 00 (102400)
...4 Unknown ...
(92)4 Max Crypt Size 00 01 90 00 (102400)
...4 Unknown ...
(100)4 Library Date * 09 F1 1C DA (3659329801) *2019-12-16T08:30:01Z
...4 Unknown ...

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mhgh Library Info

This section appears only once in a library.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 68 67 68 |mhgh|
(4)4 Section Length 18 01 00 00 (280)
(8)4 mhoh Count 07 00 00 00 (7)
...... Unknown ...
(55)1 List Size (unknown) 02 00 00 00 (2)
...4 Unknown ...

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mlah Album/Collection Master

This section appears only once in a library.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 6C 61 68 |mlah|
(4)4 Section Length 5C 00 00 00 (92)
(8)4 miah Count 5C 00 00 00 (92)
...... Unknown ...

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miah Album/Collection Item

This section appears the number of times as specified by the containing mlah section at offset 8.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 69 61 68 |miah|
(4)4 Section Length 58 00 00 00 (88)
(8)4 Associated Data Length FB 00 00 00 (251)
(12)4 mhoh Count 03 00 00 00 (3)
...... Unknown ...
(32)8 Album miah Persistent ID 032F315934465CBC
(40)1 Album Rating (percent) 28 (40) *two stars of five
(41)1 Rated Manual or Auto (1=Manual, 0x20=Auto) 20 (32) *Automatically Rated by iTunes
...... Unknown ...

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mlih Artist (miih) Master

This section appears only once in a library.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 68 67 68 |mhgh|
(4)4 Section Length 18 01 00 00 (280)
(8)4 miih Count 07 00 00 00 (7)
...... Unknown ...

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miih Artist Item

This section appears the number of times as specified by the containing mlih section at offset 8.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 69 69 68 |miih|
(4)4 Section Length 58 00 00 00 (88)
(8)4 Associated Data Length FB 00 00 00 (251)
(12)4 mhoh Count 03 00 00 00 (3)
...... Unknown ...
(20)... Artist (miih) Persistent ID E26AA55123388FD3
...... Unknown ...

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mlth Track Master

This section appears multiple times in an iTunes Library.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 6C 74 68 |mlth|
(4)4 Section Length 5C 00 00 00 (92)
(8)4 mith Count 39 00 00 00 (57)
...... Zeroes 00 00 00 00

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mith Track Item

This section appears the number of times as specified by the containing mlth section at offset 8.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 69 74 68 |mith|
(4)4 Section Length F4 02 00 00 (756)
(8)4 Associated Data Length 25 08 00 00 (2085)
(12)4 mhoh Count 0B 00 00 00 (11)
(16)4 Track Short ID 85 00 00 00 / 0x00000085
...... Unknown ...
(76)4 Play Count 03 00 00 00 (3)
...... Unknown ...
(108)1 Rating 14 (20) *One Star
(109)1 Unknown ...
(110)1 Unchecked 00 (0) *Checked
...... Unknown ...
(120)4 Date Added 56 3D 24 C4 (3290709334) *2008-04-10T21:55:34Z
...... Unknown ...
(128)8 Album miah Persistent ID 032F315934465CBC
(136)8 File Type Signature 0 .. 0 20 41 34 4D | A4M| *"M4A " endian swapped.
...... Unknown ...
(420)4 ??FairPlay Version?? ???
...... Unknown ...
(720)2 Movement of Work 02 00 (2)
(722)2 Movements in Work 03 00 (3)
...... Unknown ...

Dates are in number of seconds since Jan 1 1904, midnight.
Movement only appears for classical tracks.
FairPlay Version was reported elsewhere, but I haven't been able to verify.

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mhoh Data Container (common)

This section appears frequently in most other sections.

Every mhoh has a SubType, and what is inside each mhoh can be VERY different depending on that SubType.  The section length of a mhoh is indicated at a different offset from other section types.  The following table shows the portions that are common to ALL mhoh sections.

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 68 6F 68 |mhoh|
(4)4 Depends, Always 0x18 18 00 00 00 (24)
(8)4 Section Length 4E 00 00 00 (78)
(12)4 mhoh SubType FC 01 (0x01FC)
...- ... ...

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mhoh Flex Character Container

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 68 6F 68 |mhoh|
(4)4 Unused 18 00 00 00 (24)
(8)4 Section Length 39 00 00 00 (57)
(12)4 mhoh SubType 06 00 00 00 (0x0006)
...- ... ...
(24)4 String Type 03 00 00 00 (3)
(28)4 String Length (bytes) 11 00 00 00 (17)
...- ... ...
(40)per (28) String |MPEG-4 video file|

String Type (24): Is the encoding of String (28).
0 - URI: Is a UTF-8 (narrow) string representing a Universal Resource Identifier, usually starting with "http://", "https://", or "file://".
1 - Wide Characters: is a UTF-16 (wide) string.  Each character is represented by a 2-byte (16 bit) space, which IS subject to little endian byte swapping. 
2 - escaped URI: Is a UTF-8 string representing a URI.  Special characters are percent encoded.
3 - Narrow Characters: Is a UTF-8 string. 

String Length (28): Note that this value will always be 40 less than the Section Length (8).

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mhoh Narrow Character Container

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 68 6F 68 |mhoh|
(4)4 Start of XML 18 00 00 00 (24)
(8)4 Section Length 3B E0 00 00 (57403)
(12)4 mhoh SubType 02 02 00 00 (0x0202)
...- ... ...
(24)(see note) String |<?xml version="1.0" enc...| (continues)

String (24): Note that this string length is exactly 24 less than the Section Length (8).

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mhoh Video Resolution

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 68 6F 68 |mhoh|
(4)4 Book Start 18 00 00 00 (24)
(8)4 Section Length 66 00 00 00 (102)
(12)4 mhoh SubType FC 01 (0x01FC)
...- ... ...
(24)4 Vertical Resolution E0 01 00 00 (480)
(28)4 Horizontal Resolution 80 02 00 00 (640)
...- ... ...

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mhoh book

mhoh book sections contain numbers and strings.  Strings are marked by 0x0101.  The four bytes prior to the 0x0101 will indicate the length of the string.  The byte following the 0x0101 will start the first character of that string.  These strings might include the separate path components of the item. 

OffsetLength InformationValue (example)
(0)4 Section signature 6D 68 6F 68 |mhoh|
(4)4 Book Start 18 00 00 00 (24)
(8)4 Section Length 66 00 00 00 (102)
(12)4 mhoh SubType FC 01 (0x01FC)
...- ... ...
(24)4 Book signature 62 6F 6F 6B |book|
(28)4 SubSection Length 4E 00 00 00 (78)
...4 ... ...
(72)4 String Length 05 00 00 00 (5)
(76)4 String Indicator 01 01 00 00 (0x00000101)
(80)4 String (5 long) Users

SubSection Length (28): Note that this length is exactly 24 less than the Section Length (8).

After reading each string, it is important to re-align to a 4 byte offset.  For the string shown above, 5 bytes were read.  That means 3 bytes must be discarded before the next four bytes can be read.

mhoh book sections are long, and most included data is repeated in another mhoh section (not separated). 

There is one string indicated by a 0x0901, with the same setup as the 0x0101 string, except it is further preceeded by a 0x01F5. 

...4 ... ...
(364)4 String Indicator F5 01 00 00 (501)
(368)4 String Length 08 00 00 00 (8)
(372)4 String Indicator 01 09 00 00 (2305)
(376)4 String (8 long) file:///
...4 ... ...

There is one string indicated by a 0x0201, with the same setup as the 0x0101 string, except it is further preceeded by a 0x0501. 

...4 ... ...
(528)4 String Indicator 01 05 00 00 (1281)
(532)4 String Length DB 00 00 00 (219)
(536)4 String Indicator 01 02 00 00 (513)
(540)4 String (219 long) 20fec00...(not showing all of this)
...4 ... ...

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mhoh Unknown

Each of these subtypes have been found, but the data has not yet been identified. 

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Want To Help?

Since putting up this page, I have received a handful of submissions from folks who want to see this work further improved.  I have never found new insights to this ancient format.  As of 2022, I have put this project on a deep pause.

If you think you might be able to help, I make my personal diagnostic script available to you (though I do not publish the decryption key).  More information on my personal GitLab:


If you run the above, and figure out some data-point that I've skipped in my layout above, send it to me.  I'll be happy to publish it here, and credit you (as I have others on the musicdb page).

Please send submissions to musicdb@vollink.com

This is a low traffic web site, and I will reply to any inquiry unless you specifically ask me not to reply.

Up to Table of Contents.

I Cannot Save Your Corrupted Library

After many e-mails asking if I can save a corrupted iTunes database file, the answer is no.  Apple decided to both compress the entire file PLUS encrypt the first large chunk of it.  If the start of the file is corrupted, then the encryption will be broken, and the uncompression will never be able to find its place.  If the file is corrupted later, the compression will lose it's place, leaving the remainder of the file unreadable.

I have published the program that I use to poke through my own musicdb files as well as submissions that I get, so feel free to go for it.


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I would not have been able to get as far as I have without the fine work of Joseph Walton who produced titl.  That iTunes itl project in Java was key to my getting the iTunes file cracked.

I also would not have been able to get as far as I have without the fine work of Jean Thomas who produced libitlp for reading iTunes itl format in C.  While I had some issues with this library successfully reading the latest iTunes library output Jean's faithful approach to parsing the actual format (and not an interpretation) helped immensely on my taking this task on.  Once I'm closer to done, I hope to submit patches for this project to make it work on the latest iTunes libraries (though that may be some time off).

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